Char Pyrox

Item Points: 0

Level: 90
Latest Global Chat
- [2024-11-24 22:18:43.050] WTS 695 wep elixir 707 pro elixir 315 accs elixir GDF M 250 HP 1% dmg
- [2024-11-24 22:17:02.873] WTS silk for LE or $ [Voda Cash, instapay or PayPal]
- [2024-11-20 23:30:18.267] WTS silk for LE voda /insta or $ paypal WTS lcuky 3% for 100s
- [2024-11-15 08:05:29.280] WTS 1k of all elxiir and full pages of accessries and spear, glaives
- [2024-11-15 07:42:34.077] its been 3 min and all i get is failing in doing + with auto alchmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any help?
- [2024-11-15 07:23:19.450] WTS silk for LE,,, 250 l.e each
- [2024-11-13 22:04:15.980] WTS Silk for LE ' middle man will be attended "
- [2024-11-12 06:43:21.747] WTS silk for LE
- [2024-11-06 21:46:59.470] WTS Spear +9 80% FB 2.7ks , SET PRO +7 61%.. GDF M 250hp 1%dmg Acc+7 61% FB
- [2024-11-04 22:26:19.587] what is the benefit of the job time? are you manipulating the market with easy gold makers? sux sys
- [2024-11-04 22:22:05.997] so this server has no chance to win against hunters and traders ?
- [2024-11-04 21:27:18.137] WTS SPEAR +9 80% for 2.9s and full SET SOS PRO +7 61%... WTS DEVIL S +3 250 hp 1% dmg for SILK or$
Last Unique Kills
PVP records
[2024-11-06 21:25:12.620]YapmaAsuman Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-06 21:24:36.483]qLamoRousss Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-06 21:23:45.420]qLamoRousss Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-06 21:16:33.607]YapmaAsuman Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-06 21:16:10.090]YapmaAsuman Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-06 21:15:51.823]YapmaAsuman Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-06 21:15:00.687]Pyrox Killed YapmaAsuman
[2024-11-06 21:14:18.313]YapmaAsuman Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-06 21:14:02.860]Pyrox Killed YapmaAsuman
[2024-11-06 21:13:44.610]YapmaAsuman Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-06 21:10:50.117]YapmaAsuman Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-04 07:28:40.317]BloodyBoSs Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-04 07:26:15.477]Pyrox Killed BloodyEater
[2024-11-04 07:24:57.277]BloodyBoSs Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-04 07:24:00.980]BloodyBoSs Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-04 07:22:40.903]BloodyBoSs Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-04 07:19:54.863]ThePuNiSheR Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-04 07:18:45.600]BloodyBoSs Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-04 07:18:08.977]ThePuNiSheR Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-04 07:17:36.900]BloodyBoSs Killed Pyrox
Job kills records
[2024-11-05 00:58:06.457]Pyrox Killed Seif_El_Deen
[2024-11-04 23:22:32.337]H34D_B4NG3R Killed Pyrox
[2024-11-04 23:22:04.793]Th3DarkNighT Killed Pyrox